Vital Qi Newsletter September 2013

Instructor's Corner

Last month we released our new home study kit, "Qigong Smile Meditation". I thank all of you that purchased our home study kits. I hope you are enjoying and benefitting from the practice. Again, I must say that the Qigong Smile Meditation is one of my favorite meditations. I learned this practice in the 1980's and it changed my perceptions about health and healing. No prior Qigong experience is needed to learn this practice. If you haven't yet tried it, I invite you to read more about it below and to try the practice for at least 30 days. Keep reading below as I am extending the special offer to you, as a cherished reader of the Vital Qi Newsletter.

Qigong is a great way to reduce the effects of stress and improve your health. I have benefited from many different forms of Qigong. You can experience similar benefits too. The purpose of the Vital Qi Newsletter is to bring awareness to Qigong and to inform you of Qigong classes and products available at Inner Vitality Qigong. We also intend on covering other natural health related topics. We look forward to working with you and growing together as we cultivate inner vitality through the art of Qigong. Please feel free to share this newsletter with family and friends.

How to get started?
If you live in the northeastern Ohio area, you can sign up for our in-person classes. Private classes are available upon request. If you cannot attend our in-person classes, you can purchase one of our Qigong Home Study Kits and learn Qigong basics in the comfort of your own home. Click here to learn more about the classes offered or to get one of our Qigong Home Study Kits.

Send email to or call us at (440) 678-8244 for the latest class schedule and cost.

Subscribe to our Vital Qi Newsletter to keep up with the latest information about new classes, announcements and useful tips.

Check out our previous Vital Qi Newsletters.

Click here and check out our blog and leave any comments. You can ask any Qigong related questions there.

Lessons from the Tao Te Ching

In Chapter 3, The Tao Te Ching continues by describing how to avoid creating dichotomies and imbalances in life. And, it describes how the sage should govern, so that the people are always in balance.

You can read more about the Tao Te Ching here.

Chapter 3
Do not glorify the achievers,
  So the people will not squabble.
  Do not treasure goods that are hard to obtain,
  So the people will not become thieves.
  Do not show the desired things,
  So their hearts will not be confused.

  Thus the governance of the sage:
  Fills their bellies,
  Empties their hearts,
  Weakens their ambitions,
  Strengthens their bones.

  Let the people have no cunning and no greed
  So those who scheme will not dare to meddle.

  Act without contrivance
  And nothing will be beyond control.

Lao Tzu
Translation by Derik Lin and source from

Qigong Smile Meditation

As I stated in the previous edition of this newsletter, the smile meditation is a Taoist Qigong practice that goes back thousands of years. Of course you don't have to be a Taoist to get the health benefits from practicing this meditation. During the smile meditation, you will learn to use the energy of the smile through visualization and feeling to bring relaxation, energy, joy and awareness to your body. You don't need any prior Qigong experience to learn this practice. The accompanying eBook will give you an overview of Qigong basics and then it will present step-by-step instructions of the included meditations, especially the smile meditation. And you can practice the meditations with the included guided meditation audio program. Click here to read more about the home study kit.

To celebrate this special event, this "Qigong Smile Meditation" home study kit was released starting at the low introductory price of $17, for a limited time. Also, after the purchase, you will receive a coupon code by email to get the "Beginning Qigong Meditation" home study kit for only $10. That's 60% off the regular price of $25.

There is more good news for those that have already purchased the "Beginning Qigong Meditation" home study kit. If you are interested in the Qigong Smile Meditation home study kit, you can get this home study kit for only $5. Just send us an email with your receipt and we will send you a coupon code that can be applied to your shopping cart.

If you are looking for a new way to improve your health and change your life, this is the best time to give Qigong a try. And you may share this home study kit with your family and friends at no additional cost.*

*Email correspondence will be limited to one person, though you may collect questions from friends and family for the correspondence. Also, only one, one-hour, phone consultation will be allowed, however, if you are sharing the kit and you want your family and friends to participate, you may put them on a speaker phone for the phone consultation. We will try to answer all Qigong related questions during the consultation.

Click here to purchase the home study kit now.

      Words of Wisdom

"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be."

- Patanjali

Qigong Tips

The effectiveness of your Qigong practice is directly related to the amount of attention you are putting into your practice. Thus, practicing often will allow you to maximize the results of your Qigong practice.


In the Qigong community, we often talk about centering ourselves. What does it mean be centered? It means to keep your mind centered in your lower dantian. The lower dantian is an energy center in the body located about 1.5 to 2 inches below the naval and about 2 inches inside the body (varies a little with body size). It is not a point but a volume. The lower dantian stores the energy from the kidneys, called original Qi or the Qi you were born with. Following Qigong practice, we center ourselves in dantian to gather and store energy obtained from the practice to dantian. This is sometimes referred to as cultivating Qi in the dantian.

Click here to read more about Centering.

Qigong Classes

Beginning Qigong Meditation
Smile Meditation
Inner Dan Arts Qigong
Qigong Home Study Kits

Being of Service

More severe weather has devastated regions in the US and other countries. Some are without shelter, food, water, and much more. Things most of us take for granted. The rebuilding process is long and challenging for families and businesses. Those affected depend on the generosity of others to help them during these trying times. Together we can make a difference, one person at a time. Being of service to others in need lets them know that they are not alone. It lets them know we care. Not only does our service touch people's lives in a positive way, but it is also healing for ourselves as well. There are so many ways to be of service, like donating money, time, clothing, etc. One way to be of service is by opening your heart and your wallet and donating to the "American Red Cross". They are on the ground providing support in most communities, but especially in those communities hit hard by the latest outbreak of severe weather. There is so much need. Please donate today. You can make a difference.

Click here to make a donation to the "American Red Cross" ...

Qigong Wellness Coaching

We offer Qigong wellness coaching for those that would like assistance creating a healthy lifestyle and integrating Qigong into their daily routine. Click here to learn more about the Qigong Wellness Coaching. Qigong basics will be taught for those that don't have previous training. Coaching can be provided in person, over the phone or online via Skype.

Copyright © 2013, Inner Vitality Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.        

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